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How to disassemble the bearing of horizontal screw centrifuge drum?

Time:2021-06-18 06:27:22  Clicks:698

How to disassemble the bearing of horizontal screw centrifuge drum?
As we all know, the horizontal screw centrifuge often runs at high speed in the whole process of work, so the requirements for bearings are relatively high. When there are some problems in the bearing of the drum when sending mail, how can the actual operation ensure that the working characteristics of the horizontal screw centrifuge are not easily harmed? We can see the following main contents.
Horizontal screw centrifuge
1.When dismantling the small end bearing of horizontal screw centrifuge drum, the anchor bolt on the end pin of the main pulley should be removed first, and then the end pin should be removed with couplers, Make sure that the bearing force of the screws is consistent and there is no need to tilt. Then take down the end pin and pull out the belt pulley with a three leg die.
2.In addition, in the case of disassembly, it is not necessary to forget to mark the relevant parts to facilitate reassembly. Next, dismantle the shaft hole, the screw at the tapered end of the groove, the sealing ring of the bearing seat, and its O-ring at one time. On the bearing inner hole pad of the horizontal screw centrifuge drum bearing, pull out the bearing sleeve, the rotating cover of the bearing sleeve, the bearing and its coupling with three feet.

3.After the small end bearing is disassembled, the big end bearing is removed. The same special tool of technical specialty should be applied. The actual process is to remove the anchor bolts of flange plate, and then remove the transfer case and its gear shaft. Then, loosen and remove the anchor bolt on the bearing end cover pin, and press the bearing end cap pin with the suitable butt fastener. It is also important to note that, When removing the bearing of the drum big end of the horizontal screw centrifuge, the bearing force of the screw should be consistent without any skew. On the bearing body of the shaft inner hole pad, pull out the connecting flange and bearing seat sealing ring together with the three foot drawing die, and then remove the shaft hole.
Horizontal screw centrifuge
In fact, there is no great difference between the two whole process basis, so the actual operation staff should pay attention to it. At this time, it is necessary to make a good record, so as to facilitate the reassembly work. On the bearing inner hole pad of the shaft, the bearing sleeve, bearing cover, bearing and coupling are pulled out with a three foot drawing die, and the corresponding marks are made on the bearing sleeve of the horizontal screw centrifuge.

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